Organizational Effectiveness & Transformation (Continued)

Wolfe HR Consulting will introduce comprehensive strategies that drive and deliver the organizational objectives and clear adoption from your employees.
Change Management:
Any change, whether personal or professional, is difficult. The fast paced digital and automated world, in which organizations must operate to maintain a competitive edge, causes pressures as new ways of operating are introduced into a workforce. Employees are a key element when organizational change occurs as they are the ones who must carry it out.
By focusing on employees through every step of the transition organizations increase the chances that the changes will in fact be leveraged and system success will result. Change management is part of everything we do to make your organization successful, whether the change is small or large.
Efficient Resource Management (Continuous improvement and development): In the competitive workplace landscape organizations are constantly striving to enhance employee engagement and foster loyalty. A key driver of this lies in the way performance management is executed by leadership. Wolfe HR Consulting will review how performance management is delivered, assess business performance, and develop a comprehensive performance management strategy driving the business and engaging the employees. A few key components to consider: Are leaders providing feedback? How well are they delivering that feedback? It matters, as 73% of the next generation of workers say they will leave their job if they do not get regular feedback. Does your leadership extend trust? Does the organization have mutual respect among leaders and employees? Do employees feel decisions are fairly made?

Organizational Design: Organizational design and alignment of your HR functions, to the business deliverables, is critical for organizational effectiveness. Wolfe HR Consulting has experience in developing organizational design in various integration models. Our goal is to deliver business objectives while driving a positive employee experience throughout the process. Wolfe HR Consulting is successful in assisting businesses flex its model of services, from a fully centralized center of excellence to a decentralized model or a mixed model, to accelerate performance and meet the needs of your evolving generational workforce.
Succession Planning and Internal Talent Readiness: Wolfe HR Consulting will implement the development of your executive succession planning. We will assess leadership at all levels by gathering feedback from employees. Based on this feedback, we will identify areas that need improvement. Subsequently, we will create development plans to put each leader in the right role for your evolving organization. Goal Alignment and Clarity: Employees are more engaged when they understand how their individual goals align with the organization's overall objectives. Do employees have active participation in goal setting? Do the employees understand how their work contributes to the overall success of the organizational goals? What communication vehicles and quality controls are used to ensure alignment of your people?
Strong Leadership: Leaders are truly the glue of an organization because of their daily interactions and their influence on the employee’s experience. Organizations are seeing employees stay with employers even if the pay and benefits are not as competitive as other companies. This mainly occurs when there’s a positive work environment and the work itself is fulfilling. It is vital that leaders deliver the right experience to their employees. Wolfe HR Consulting can help your leaders exhibit the right behaviors and support the culture of your organization. We focus on developing leaders who extend trust, respect, are fair in their decision making, and listen to their employees. In the end, we create happy employees who exhibit organizational citizenship behavior.

Forbes listed being unheard by supervisors and feeling “overlooked or ignored” as two of the top ten reasons employees leave their jobs (The Top 10 Reasons Great Employees Quit-Forbes). Employees who feel ignored by their managers and unimportant are more likely to experience frustration. This frustration can lead them to either leave the organization or join a union.
Tools like annual employee surveys, employee pulse surveys, and Employee Advisory Groups for Shared Governance in healthcare, can help an organization understand its employees' thoughts and opinions.
Wolfe HR Consulting evaluates your methods, gives insights, and creates better plans using employee feedback.